Congratulations for completing our Help Point course! We hope you enjoyed it.
What's next?
You’ve seen the power of playlists, we’ve shown you how to make and use a playlist effectively, and share the power of music at your Help Point.
So although the course is now finished, hopefully your own playlist journey is just beginning! Follow these steps to get started:
- Share our resources
- Put up our Help Point posters* in your venue or local area
- Connect with other organisations in your area
- Plan a Musical Tea to launch your Help Point
* You can find posters and further resources on the Help Point Materials page

If you are not already part of a registered Playlist for Life Help Point, completing this course does not make you a Help Point. You can register as a Help Point here.
Further support
Stay in the loop
Look out for our Monthly Help Point newsletter which will be sent to the Help Point Leader, sharing updates, resources and a link to order more resources.
Join our closed Facebook group
Share tips and success stories and learn from other Help Points around the UK.
Join here.
Come along to a virtual drop-in
Join our weekly Help Point drop in, Fridays at 10-11am on Zoom, for the chance to:
– Chat to a Playlist for Life Team member
– Network and share ideas with other Help Points
– Share success stories and challenges
Find additional resources
Visit our Help Point Materials page for digital copies of our resources, tops tips for running dementia friendly services, activities ideas and more.
Share your thoughts on the course to gain your Help Point eLearning certificate!
We would love to hear what you thought of this course. We’re always looking for ways to improve it and we read every response we receive.
Your turn
Complete the survey below to help us improve our course and get your Help Point eLearning certificate!